Seriously Trademarks is a boutique consultancy firm that protects your brand. We provide valuable in depth trademark advice to Australian businesses to secure their brand name and logos. We specialise in business trademark registration and brand protection for firms of any size. We help individuals and/or companies register their trademarks in New Zealand, Australia and the rest of the world to ensure their most important assets are protected.
We Protect Your Brand
Register A Trademark
At, Seriously Trademarks® you can register trademark Australia, which means complete protection for your brand,we can take the hassle out of registering for trademarks in Australia and New Zealand as well as internationally.This is because we are trademark specialists in Australia and work with our trademark experts overseas to ensure that your application is processed speedily, without error and importantly, in accordance with your instructions.
Let the experts do the heavy lifting
A trademark can be your most valuable marketing tool. It is your business identity that will get promoted, get trademark help Sydney for your products or services we offer a stress free service.
Seriously Trademarks® is a boutique trademark specialist with many years experience and we have been involved in important cases of trademark infringements. Not only you can trust our expert handling of the registration process but we provide advice in all aspects of your branding strategy.
About Your Business
It’s time you gain total control over your assets
Without a trademark registration for your business name, product name and/or service name, your brand is not protected. Don’t falsely believe that you own your brand just because you happen to own the company name, domain name and have been trading for a period of time, it’s only a trademark that protects your brand. So, don’t waste your precious time register a trademark today. If you don’t own a trademark , you don’t own your brand. It’s as simple as that.
It is also important to apply for a trademark to ensure that you are NOT INFRINGING on someone else’s brand. The trademark office in any country will reject your application if you are infringing on a current trademark registration. Better to find out early in your business, then to be taken to court over infringement, it’s like a ticking silent time bomb and you don’t know it’s there.
A trademark not only let’s you gain total control over your most important asset, it becomes asset which can be sold or licensed out. Register your business with Seriously Trademark Sydney trademark specialists to get your business protected now.
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